What everybody is saying about Winter Sport Barbie

In times before Fashionista Barbie and Made to Move Barbie was available my generation already got to know flexible Barbie bodies. The first ones available were the Gymnast Barbie from 1993 or 1994 and Winter Sport Barbie from 1994 or 1995. The flexibility made a lot more movements possible. Maybe this was the reason why she was at first only available as a sportswoman?

I had her as a kid. She was one of the last I really wanted for playing. I always liked her and recently I had the chance to get one. So I have her back again. This is maybe not very exciting for you but for me.

Barbie 1994
Winter Sport Barbie and Midge

I found Midge almost a decade ago but Barbie was somehow harder to find.

Festival Barbie

In the last weeks I found one of the Festival Barbies produced for the 35th Anniversary of Barbie in the year 1994. I can’t say how lucky I feel to own one of them. For me she is a typical representant of the early 1990s with her hair, her dress and the whole aura.

35t Anniversary Festival Barbie

35th Anniversary Festival Barbie

35th Anniversary Festival Barbie

Gold Jubilee Barbie

Finally after at least 10 years I was able to find the Gold Jubilee Barbie in Europe. She was made for the 35th Anniversary of Barbie in 1994. Only 7000 Barbie dolls were made for the market. Back then she was a very limited doll. She looks very typical for a Barbie doll for the 1990s dolls. She has rooted eyelashes and a very opulent dress. She also has a very extraoridinary box. I’m so happy to have her in my collection now.

Gold Jubilee Barbie

Gold Jubilee Barbie

Gold Jubilee Barbie

Gold Jubliee Barbie