Discovering Unknown and Undocumented Barbies from South America and India: A Hidden Treasure for Collectors

Undocumented Barbie dolls are a global phenomenon, beloved by millions, but some of the most fascinating and rarest models come from unexpected places. Specifically, South America and India have produced unique Barbie dolls that remain largely unknown to collectors in other parts of the world like Europe. In this blog post, we’ll explore these hidden gems and delve into the captivating world of Barbies from these regions, focusing on those produced under license during the late 20th and 21rst century.

Unknown and undocumented South American Barbies: A Tapestry of Cultures and Traditions

South America is a continent rich in cultural diversity and history, which is reflected in the Barbie dolls produced there. Countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela have their own versions of Barbie, often showcasing local trends and fashion. Here’s one of the starting point for undocumented Barbie.

  1. Brazilian Barbies: Mattel has released exclusive models in Brazil that have a unique charm. These dolls are often dressed in latest-fashion costumes and feature characteristics reflecting the diverse Brazilian population. Notable examples include Brazilian Rockers Barbies, which capture the vibrant and festive spirit of Brazil or the other fascinating Barbie dolls from Brazil like you can see them here
  2. Argentinian Barbies: In Argentina, Barbie dolls were produced under license until the 1990s. These dolls were often aligned with the latest fashion trends rather than traditional attire. They are highly sought after by collectors due to their unique place in Barbie history and their fashionable designs that capture the essence of that era but there’s only little known about these dolls outside the American continent.
  3. Venezuelan Barbies: In Venezuela, the company Rotoplast produced Barbies that have become rare collectibles. These dolls often incorporated local cultural elements, making them distinctive from those available elsewhere. Their designs reflect the vibrant culture and unique fashion sensibilities of Venezuela during their production period.
  4. Chilean Barbies: Recently I got a comment on youtube video from a viewer who told that he remembers that Plasticos Gloria made Barbie dolls under license in Chile. I found this flickr photo
  5. Colombian Barbies: While Colombia had a brief stint in the 1990s with a licensed company named Dibon producing Barbies, these dolls are now super rare and highly coveted by collectors for their short production period. They are the hardest to find dolls from South America. In my collecting time I only found one other collector who was able to tell me a little bit about the production in Colombia.

Undocumented Indian Barbies: A Blend of Exotica and Tradition

India is another country that has created a unique range of documented and undocumented Barbie dolls, often adorned in traditional Indian attire and reflecting the country’s rich cultural diversity.

  1. Traditional dressed Indian Barbies: These dolls are typically dressed in saris or other traditional garments and are accessorized with intricate jewelry. They exemplify the craftsmanship and attention to detail found in Indian fashion. These Barbies are not only beautiful but also educational, providing a glimpse into India’s varied sartorial traditions. I’m not sure if they were popular in India itself but in Europe they are appreciated due to their exotic touch. The “Dolls of the World” line never managed to get as many details from traditional clothes like you find them in Indian dolls but they were not the only Barbie dolls available.
  2. LEO India Playline Barbies: During their production in India, LEO Mattel created a variety of Barbies that incorporated modern and traditional elements. These dolls are known for their vibrant attire and cultural representation, some of them were the counterparts to the regular playline pink box Barbie dolls for little girls but with their very own Indian touch. When asking one of my former colleagues she told me that Barbie was not super popular there and she destroyed one of her dolls. In India Barbie dolls were not available before the 1990s so she was quite new back then on the market.

The Unique Appeal of undocumented South American and Indian Barbies

What makes these undocumented Barbies particularly fascinating is their embodiment of regional cultures and traditions. Unlike the more universally themed Barbies available worldwide, these undocumented Barbie dolls offer a deeper connection to specific cultural narratives.

  1. Cultural Representation: South American and Indian Barbies are crafted to represent their respective cultures accurately. This includes not just clothing, but also hairstyles, accessories, and even skin tones and make up reflecting the diversity within these regions.
  2. Collectibility: Many of these dolls were produced in limited quantity but this was rather because of the limited market they were made for. Not all collectors find them interesting and many dolls landed in the trash bin after their owners became to old. So the number of dolls you find on the market is limited. The quality may differ from what you know but some sellers think they have real treasures that will sell for thousands of dollars. The demand for these dolls varies.
  3. Artistry and Craftsmanship: The detailed artistry that goes into these dolls is remarkable. From hand-painted features to meticulously designed outfits, these Barbies are a testament to the craftsmanship of their creators.

Stories Behind the Dolls

Each undocumented Barbie from South America and India has a story to tell, often reflecting the social and cultural narratives of their countries.These dolls carry with them not just the legacy of their production but also the personal histories of their previous owners. As a collector, I am deeply interested in uncovering and documenting these stories and want to find other collectors from these countries to exchange. The journey of each doll, from its creation to its current state, can reveal fascinating insights into the lives of those who cherished them.

By sharing these narratives, we can preserve a rich tapestry of memories and cultural heritage that extends beyond the dolls themselves and help to get the undocumented Barbie dolls documented. This is no easy task but it’s surely worth the effort and a possibility to meet new Barbie friends.

The Fascination of Collecting Unknown and Undocumented Barbies

The world of Barbie dolls is far more extensive and diverse than many realize. The unknown and undocumented Barbies from South America and India are a fascinating part of this world, offering collectors the chance to expand their collections with unique and culturally rich models but also a chance to find new collector friends. These dolls are not just toys; they are a celebration of the cultural diversity and artistic heritage of their countries of origin. When you get them you want to make the unknown and undocumented Barbie to find her name again but I think that’s understandable in the way that you collect.

Barbie doll from Argentina in Jeans dress , Jeans fabric is worn out like it was fashionable in the late 1980s, Barbie dolls from
Undocumented Barbie from Argentina

From the colorful Brazilian Barbies to the traditional and intricately dressed Indian Barbies, these dolls provide a window into the cultures they represent. They stand as a testament to the global influence of Barbie and the ways in which this iconic doll has been adapted to reflect different societies and traditions.

Whether you are a seasoned collector or new to the world of Barbies, discovering these rare and unique dolls can be an exciting journey. Each doll tells a story, offering a glimpse into the customs, attire, and artistry of the region it hails from. As you explore these hidden treasures, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the world of Barbie.


The world of Barbie dolls is rich with cultural diversity, especially when exploring the less-known and undocumented editions from South America and India. These dolls are not just collectibles but pieces of art that encapsulate the traditions, stories, and beauty of their respective cultures. By discovering these hidden gems, collectors can not only expand their collections but also deepen their appreciation for the global impact of Barbie. India and South America are not the only countries in which undocumented Barbie dolls were available. We also find them in Mexico, Spain and France.

The list is probably longer but we don’t know all countries now. Many years I wrote a blog post about the countries in which Barbies was/is available but I have my doubts that this a full result of what’s true and correct.

So, let yourself be enchanted by the beauty and uniqueness of undocumented South American and Indian Barbies. These undocumented dolls are more than just collectibles; they are pieces of art that celebrate the diversity and creativity of our world. Dive into this captivating world and uncover the hidden treasures that await! Join me on this journey. If you know anyone who could help, let me know since this is a community project. I’m not the only Barbie collector on this planet.

Unpacking the Impact of “Black Barbie” on Netflix: A European Perspective

Netflix has once again delivered a gem with the documentary “Black Barbie,” a film that dives deep into the history and cultural significance of the Black Barbie doll. As someone who grew up in Europe with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary was both an eye-opener and a poignant reminder of the diversity we often missed out on.

A Well-Made Documentary That Hits Home

From the very beginning, “Black Barbie” is captivating. The documentary is meticulously crafted, with a narrative that is both engaging and educational. It brings to light the important contributions of Kitty Black Perkins, the designer behind the original Black Barbie. Perkins, who I’ve read about but never seen before, is a central figure in the documentary. Her insights and experiences add a personal touch to the story, making it even more compelling. Below you can see what I have from the Shani Asha line.

Kitty Black Perkins: The Designer Who Made History

Kitty Black Perkins’ journey is nothing short of inspiring. As a trailblazing designer at Mattel, she played a pivotal role in creating the first Black Barbie. The documentary does an excellent job of highlighting her career, her challenges, and her triumphs. Seeing her speak about her work and the impact she hoped to achieve was a highlight for me. It’s one thing to read about such an influential figure, but seeing her and hearing her story firsthand added a new level of appreciation for her contributions.

The Birth of Black Barbie: A Riveting Tale

The story of how Black Barbie came to be is as fascinating as it is important. The documentary delves into the socio-political climate of the time and the pressure on Mattel to diversify its product line. The arrival of Black Barbie wasn’t just a business decision; it was a cultural milestone. For many, this doll represented a significant step towards inclusivity and representation in the toy industry.

A European Childhood with Limited Diversity

Growing up in Europe, my experience with Barbie dolls was quite different. The shelves were predominantly filled with fair-skinned, blonde Barbies. The diversity we now see in the Barbie lineup was largely absent. I remember seeing the occasional Benetton Christie doll, but Black dolls were a rarity. The documentary made me reflect on my childhood and the limited options we had. In the mid 1990s however one Shani was available in Europe. She was back then not super interesting to me because I already had one Barbie with the Paint n Dazzle feature but you can see from the box that she was made for the European market with a multi-lingual box.

The Appeal of Shani: A Missed Opportunity in Europe

One of the standout dolls mentioned in the documentary is Shani. I couldn’t help but think how well Shani would have been received in Europe. She would have brought much-needed diversity to our toy stores. As children, we would have found Shani fascinating and appealing. Her absence in European markets felt like a missed opportunity for greater representation and inclusivity.

The Desire for More Variety

The documentary also made me ponder the limited selection we often encountered. In Europe, it felt like we only got a subset of the full Barbie range available in the US. More variety would have certainly been welcomed. While blonde Barbies were a staple and had their charm, it’s important to recognize that not everyone in Europe is blonde. The range of hair colors and styles available to us was quite limited. Having more options would have allowed for better representation and a richer play experience.

Representation Matters

“Black Barbie” reinforces the importance of representation in toys. Dolls like Black Barbie and Shani offer children the opportunity to see themselves reflected in their toys, which is crucial for developing a positive self-image. They also teach children about diversity and inclusivity from a young age. This is something that, looking back, was sorely lacking in my own childhood toy collection. Seen from my childhood perspective I’m not sure if anything was lacking because I didn’t know any other reality or any other dolls. The information and pics we had back then were limited. The internet later made it easier to learn about Barbie and her distribution worldwide.

Conclusion: A Call for Continued Progress

“Black Barbie” on Netflix is a must-watch documentary that sheds light on an important chapter in toy history. It celebrates the achievements of Kitty Black Perkins and the significance of Black Barbie in promoting diversity and inclusion. As someone who grew up with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary resonated deeply with me.

The story of Black Barbie is a reminder of the progress that has been made and the work that still needs to be done. It’s a call for continued efforts to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to toys that represent them. Diversity in toys is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for fostering a more inclusive and accepting world.

In Europe, where we often had a limited selection of Barbie dolls, the introduction of more diverse dolls like Black Barbie and Shani would have made a significant difference. They would have enriched our play experiences and broadened our perspectives from a young age. As we move forward, let’s hope that the toy industry continues to embrace diversity and offers children everywhere the chance to see themselves in their toys.

Takara Jenny: A Counterpart to Barbie in Japan

In the world of dolls, Takara Jenny holds a special place in the hearts of collectors. While she may not be as well-known in Europe as Barbie, this Japanese counterpart has gained a dedicated following worldwide. Despite her obscurity in Europe, there have been instances where her dolls have made rare appearances here.

Takara Jenny, a doll made in Japan

Takara Jenny, like Barbie, is a doll manufactured by Takara Tomy in Japan. However, their similarities extend beyond the brand name. Both dolls are known for their fashion-forward style and trendy looks. They have a wide range of clothing and accessories, allowing children to express their creativity and imagination.

One key difference between Barbie and Takara Jenny is their target audience. While Barbie is primarily aimed at young girls, Takara Jenny is marketed towards older collectors. Her dolls often have more detailed features and a more grown-up appearance. This appeals to adult collectors who appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating each outfit.

Takara Jenny
Takara Licca, little sister of Jenny, has 90s Skipper size

Finding information about Takara Jenny online

Despite the difficulty of reading Japanese books, the internet has opened up a world of information for those interested in Takara Jenny. Through the power of search engines, like Google, collectors can uncover a wealth of information about this elusive doll. From detailed product reviews to interviews with designers, the internet provides a platform where collectors can connect and share their love for Takara Jenny.

In addition to online research, social media has become an invaluable tool for connecting with other collectors. Dedicated groups and forums on platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow collectors to share their experiences, discuss upcoming releases, and support each other in their Takara Jenny adventures. This network of like-minded individuals fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among collectors worldwide.


In conclusion, Takara Jenny is a unique counterpart to Barbie in Japan. While her popularity may not be as widespread in Europe, her dolls occasionally appear here, captivating collectors with their stylish appearance and meticulous attention to detail. The internet has made it easier for both novice and experienced collectors to connect with one another and learn more about the fascinating world of Takara Jenny. So, if you’re a fan of Barbie and looking to expand your collection, why not give her a try? You never know what hidden gems await you!

In the world of dolls, Takara Jenny holds a special place in the hearts of collectors. While she may not be as well-known in Europe as Barbie, this Japanese counterpart has gained a dedicated following worldwide. Despite her obscurity in Europe, there have been instances where her dolls have made rare appearances here.

Jenny, like Barbie, is a doll manufactured by Takara Tomy in Japan. However, their similarities extend beyond the brand name. Both dolls are known for their fashion-forward style and trendy looks. They have a wide range of clothing and accessories, allowing children to express their creativity and imagination.

Little Twin from Takara
Little Twin of Takara

One key difference between Barbie and Takara Jenny is their target audience. While Barbie is primarily aimed at young girls, Takara Jenny is marketed towards older collectors. Her dolls often have more detailed features and a more grown-up appearance. This appeals to adult collectors who appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into creating each outfit.

Despite the difficulty of reading Japanese books, the internet has opened up a world of information for those interested in Jenny or her friends. Through the power of search engines, like Google, collectors can uncover a wealth of information about this elusive doll. From detailed product reviews to interviews with designers, the internet provides a platform where collectors can connect and share their love for Takara Jenny. However there are only a few books in Japanese about Jenny like this one but I can’t tell you if it’s good or not. I don’t have a copy yet.

In addition to online research, social media has become an invaluable tool for connecting with other collectors. Dedicated groups and forums on platforms like Instagram and Facebook allow collectors to share their experiences, discuss upcoming releases, and support each other in their Takara Jenny adventures. This network of like-minded individuals fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among collectors worldwide.

In conclusion, Jenny is a unique counterpart to Barbie in Japan. While her popularity may not be as widespread in Europe, her dolls occasionally appear here, captivating collectors with their stylish appearance and meticulous attention to detail. The internet has made it easier for both novice and experienced collectors to connect with one another and learn more about the fascinating world of Takara Jenny. So, if you’re a fan of Barbie and looking to expand your collection, why not give Jenny a try? You never know what hidden gems await you! For more information you can use

Exploring the Hidden Treasures: More Congost Barbie Dolls

Introduction: More Congost Barbie

In the world of Barbie dolls, collectors are always on the lookout for rare and unique finds. Today, we delve deeper into the captivating realm of Congost Barbie dolls, showcasing a few gems that you may not have seen before. These hidden treasures from Spain, produced by Congost under license due to Mattel’s limited production capacity, offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of Spanish Barbie dolls. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover these exquisite dolls and learn more about their captivating history. There are more Congost Barbie dolls than you might imagine.

1. Unveiling the Spanish Beauties:

In our previous blog post, we introduced you to some of the remarkable Congost Barbie dolls. However, our collection extends beyond that, with even more dolls waiting to be explored. These dolls have a distinct charm that sets them apart from the rest but they tend to loose their hair or have vanishing Make up. That’s at least a sign that you have a Congost Barbie in front of you.

2. The Story Behind Congost Barbie Dolls:

Congost, a Spanish company, began producing Barbie dolls under license from Mattel when the demand for these iconic dolls grew after the death of Franco beyond Mattel’s production capacity. This collaboration allowed Congost to create unique Barbie dolls that catered to the Spanish market, highlighting their cultural diversity and aesthetic preferences. Although a huge part of the population in Spain is black haired or brunette, Barbie dolls were almost always available as blonde version. Link to the first article about Congost Barbie in a new tab)

3. Identifying the Hidden Treasures:

As we present these additional Congost Barbie dolls, we invite you to join us in identifying and appreciating their distinctive features. Through your help and expertise, we can shed more light on these dolls, further enriching our understanding and appreciation for Spanish Barbie dolls. At first I thought I had almost all Barbie dolls from Congost until I found more Congost Barbie dolls on a certain platform. By the way here’s one more of them

4. A Glimpse into Spanish Barbie Fashion:

One of the most captivating aspects of Congost Barbie dolls is their fashion. Reflecting the vibrant Spanish culture, these dolls don exquisite ensembles that showcase the country’s rich heritage. We see here a lot of variation from the normal Barbie dolls made for the US- and European market which were unknown to almost all of us but the ones being in Spain in that time for vacation. From Alta Coutura dresses to traditional regional costumes, each outfit tells a unique story and adds to the allure of these dolls.

5. Collecting more Congost Barbie Dolls:

For avid Barbie collectors, uncovering these hidden treasures can be a thrilling experience. Whether you are a seasoned collector or a novice enthusiast, these rare Congost dolls offer an exciting addition to any Barbie collection. Their scarcity and unique designs make them highly sought after among collectors worldwide. Due to a quality not as good as the US version Barbie dolls a lot of them did not survive the millenium. That’s at least what I was told when asking a friend with an apartment in Spain.


In our quest to explore the world of Barbie dolls, we’ve discovered the enchanting realm of Congost Barbie dolls. These hidden treasures from Spain, produced under license by Congost due to Mattel’s limited production capacity, captivate collectors with their distinctive charm and exquisite fashion. With your help, we can further identify and appreciate these Spanish Barbie dolls, adding to our knowledge and enjoyment of this fascinating hobby. Embark on this journey with us and uncover the beauty of Congost Barbie dolls, a testament to the allure of the Barbie universe.

The Enigmatic Spanish Barbie Dolls from Congost: Unraveling the Untold Story

Introduction of Spanish Barbie:

Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost, produced from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, have captivated collectors and enthusiasts alike. These dolls have sparked a range of emotions, with some embracing their unique charm while others dismiss them as an acquired taste. Despite their intriguing allure, the history of these dolls remains largely undocumented in any known book. In this blog post, we delve into the enigmatic world of Spanish Barbie dolls, shedding light on their production limitations, exploring the divided opinions they evoke, and uncovering the untold tales behind these collectibles.

Production Limitations Under License:

The production of Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost was subject to certain limitations imposed by the licensing agreement. These limitations partly contribute to the scarcity of information surrounding these dolls. Congost, a Spanish toy company, held the license to produce Barbie dolls during this period, but due to various factors, their production output was restricted. The limited availability and distribution of these dolls have only added to their allure, making them highly sought-after items among collectors.

Love and Hate: Divided Opinions:

Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost have generated polarizing opinions among collectors and Barbie enthusiasts. Some individuals adore their unique characteristics, which set them apart from the more mainstream Barbie dolls produced by Mattel. Others, however, remain skeptical of their unconventional design choices and perceive them as departures from the traditional Barbie aesthetic. The love-hate relationship that these dolls evoke has only deepened the mystery surrounding them, fueling curiosity and intrigue among collectors who seek to understand their true essence.

The Quest for Documentation:

The lack of comprehensive documentation on Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost has created a void waiting to be filled. While various fragmented accounts and anecdotes exist, a comprehensive and definitive resource on these dolls is yet to be discovered. This knowledge gap presents an opportunity for collectors and researchers to piece together the puzzle and contribute to the understanding of these elusive dolls. By pooling information, sharing insights, and collaborating, enthusiasts can collectively unravel the untold story of Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost. I did restore the one in the blue dress several years ago. You can read a bit about Congost here


Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost remain an enigma, with their limited production under license, divided opinions, and lack of comprehensive documentation in any known book. As a result, the quest to learn more about these dolls continues to intrigue collectors and enthusiasts around the world. By delving into the history, examining the production limitations, and exploring the love-hate relationship they evoke, we can begin to uncover the hidden narratives behind these unique dolls. Let us embark on this journey together, as we strive to shed light on the captivating world of Spanish Barbie dolls from Congost.

The fascination of Congost Barbie dolls

I have collected some of the Congost Barbie dolls but my collection is anything than complete. I don’t have any reference book but I’m always happy when some fellow collectors from Spain share their knowledge about Congost Barbie dolls with me. There’s no full documentation in form of a book.

The search for Congost Barbie dolls

I’m always looking around to find these dolls. Sometimes it’s easy to find them and sometimes you have months in which you find nothing. If you like the idea of sharing my knowledge of these dolls here, you are welcome to let me know. I know I’m not the only one loving these Barbie dolls from Congost. I have some more dolls that I could share with you but I think this ok for the start. Hope you like my little idea here. I have written down some more information about Congost Barbie in a follow up article which you can read here

The Frustrating Saga of the Missing Tropical Congost Ken

Introduction of Tropical Congost Ken:

In today’s interconnected world, online shopping has become a common practice. With just a few clicks, you can order products from anywhere in the world and have them delivered right to your doorstep. However, as many have experienced, not every delivery goes as smoothly as expected. In this blog post, we will delve into the frustrating tale of Busy B, who ordered a Tropical Congost Ken from Spain two weeks ago but has yet to receive it. Let’s uncover the series of events that unfolded, leading to a Barbie Ken doll chaos .

1985 1020 Tropical Ken Spain 03
Tropical Congost Ken

Ordering the Congost Ken:

Around two weeks ago, Busy B from Germany placed an order for a Tropical Congost Ken doll from Spain. Excitement filled her heart as he eagerly anticipated the arrival of his long-awaited package. Little did she know that this would be the start of a frustrating journey.

The Elusive Delivery:

After a few days, she received a tracking link from the buyer, allowing her to monitor the progress of this package. With anticipation, she checked the tracking details regularly, hoping to see the status change to “Out for Delivery.” However, to her dismay, the tracking information showed that the package had already been delivered by last week Friday. Being home all day long she know this a pure lie having him delivered.

The Missing Postman:

She was puzzled by this information since she have been home all day on the supposed delivery date. Busy B. has eagerly awaited the arrival of the postman, but to my surprise, no one showed up. Determined to find out what had happened, she contacted the delivery service, DHL, to inquire about the situation.

The Blame Game:

When she reached out to DHL, they claimed that the postman could not find my doorbell, hence the failed delivery attempt. She couldn’t help but feel incredulous at this response. She knew for a fact that her doorbell was functioning perfectly fine. Unfortunately, lazy postmen seem to have become a standard problem in Germany, and she couldn’t help but wonder if this was the case in her situation as well. Speaking German has become a big problem to all the postmen somehow.

The Parcel’s Unexpected Journey:

Driven by frustration, she decided to take matters into my own hands. Busy B diligently continued tracking the package and was surprised to discover that it had somehow ended up in Denmark in the last few days. In a last-ditch effort, she contacted DHL Denmark, hoping they could shed some light on the situation and assist her in retrieving her long-awaited Tropical Congost Ken.

A Disappointing Response:

To her dismay, DHL Denmark informed me that they were unable to help me as she had reached out to the wrong division of DHL. Frustration overwhelmed her as she realized she had been caught in a bureaucratic maze, unable to find a way out. The lack of proper customer service left her feeling exasperated and dissatisfied.

Tropical Congost Ken from Spain
Arrival of Tropical Congost Ken, end of November 2023


Her experience with the missing Congost Ken serves as a reminder that even in today’s modern world, where online shopping has become the norm, there can still be hurdles and frustrations along the way. From lazy postmen to unhelpful customer service, the journey to receive a package can be much more complicated than expected. Let Ken’s story be a cautionary tale for all online shoppers and a reminder to stay patient when faced with delivery mishaps. She doesn’t know how this story will end.

Last update

Today she got a feedback from DHL still stating that my address is not available!? What a nonsense! Busy B hopes she can get the seller to send her back to me again as soon as the Ken is back in Spain. The next part of the story how Ken finally arrived at his new destination can you find here . For more information about Spanish Ken dolls read here or for Congost as a toy company from Spain

Teen Skipper: A Journey of Transformation and Friendship


In the year 1996, the iconic doll line Barbie introduced Teen Skipper, a beloved character that captured the hearts of young girls around the world. Skipper underwent a remarkable transformation, evolving from a young girl into a teenager, complete with a grown-up body. This blog post delves into Teen Skipper’s journey, highlighting her newfound friendship with Nikki, an Afro-American character. Together, they embarked on exciting adventures, donned hip clothes, and even launched their own fashion line. This remarkable era lasted until 2001, leaving a lasting impact on the world of dolls and the imaginations of children everywhere.

Teen Skipper’s Transformation:

As the 90s unfolded, Barbie sought to reflect the changing times and the experiences of young girls. Teen Skipper was created to bridge the gap between childhood and adolescence, allowing girls to identify with a character going through similar changes. With her new, more mature body and stylish fashion choices, Teen Skipper became an instant hit among girls who were eager to embrace their own coming-of-age journey.

The first Teen Skipper from 1996 in original box, never removed from box

The Arrival of Nikki:

In 1997, Skipper’s world expanded when she welcomed a new friend named Nikki. Nikki, an Afro-American character, brought a fresh perspective and diversity to the Barbie doll line. Her inclusion not only made the doll collection more representative but also fostered a sense of inclusivity and friendship among young girls.

First Teen Nikki, new afro american doll in 1996, friend of Teen Skipper, never removed from box

Height and Style:

Nikki’s arrival also brought about a change in Teen Skipper’s physical appearance. In order to reflect diversity more accurately, Nikki wasn’t designed to be taller than Skipper. This non-existing height difference allowed girls to celebrate and embrace their unique physical features, promoting a positive body image and self-acceptance.

Moreover, Teen Skipper’s fashion choices became even more hip and trendy. With a keen eye for style, she explored various fashion trends of the late 90s and early 2000s. From denim overalls to vibrant crop tops, Skipper’s wardrobe was a reflection of the fashion-forward era, encouraging young girls to express themselves through clothing.

First Teen Courtney, friend from the 80s and 90s to Skipper, brunette doll, never removed from box
Teen Courtney

Teen Skipper’s Fashion Line:

In addition to embracing her own evolving style, Skipper and Nikki embarked on a joint venture – their very own fashion line. This collaboration allowed them to showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. From designing trendy outfits to organizing fashion shows, their fashion line provided young girls with endless inspiration and encouraged them to pursue their dreams.

The Legacy:

Sadly, Teen Skipper’s journey came to an end in 2001. However, the impact she made during her five-year run remains significant. Skipper, Nikki and Courtney not only promoted diversity and friendship but also empowered young girls to embrace their individuality and follow their passions. See all her fashions here


The era of Teen Skipper from 1996 to 2001 was a transformative time for the Barbie doll line. With Skipper’s evolution into a teenager, the introduction of Nikki, and their joint fashion endeavors, this period marked a significant shift in the representation of young girls in the world of dolls. Through their stories, girls were inspired to embrace their own growth, celebrate diversity, and pursue their dreams.

My own thoughts about Skipper

Being born in the mid 80s I felt too old to be interested in normal Playline & Pink Box Barbie from the mid 1990s on. I still had a look into the toy departments of local department stores because I had a little cousin and my mother and I went shopping for her sometimes but the Teen Skipper line was out of my focus back then. In my late teens and almost 10 years after becoming a collector I discovered her and I must say I really like her.

The idea is so fresh and the clothes were so different from the ones my Skipper dolls had. Before we had Teen Skipper she was changed at least once in the 1990s. You can read more about Skipper here

The Evolution of Barbie and Her Family: A Nostalgic Journey Back to the 1960s

Introduction of the evolution of Barbie and her family:

In the world of dolls, Barbie has undeniably left an indelible mark. Since her creation in 1959, Barbie has captivated the hearts of countless children and collectors alike. However, Barbie’s journey was not a solitary one. Throughout the 1960s, Barbie’s family grew, introducing a diverse cast of characters that added depth to her imaginative world. Let’s take a look back at the evolution of Barbie’s family during this iconic era and have a look at the evolution of Barbie and her family with a nostalgic journey back to the 1960s.

1959: Barbie, the Trailblazing Fashionista

Barbie made her debut in 1959, breaking the mold with her stylish fashion choices and glamorous lifestyle. Created by Ruth Handler, co-founder of Mattel, Barbie was named after Handler’s daughter, Barbara. With her chic attire and sophisticated demeanor, Barbie quickly became a role model for young girls everywhere.

Picture with Barbie in Bridal dress, Barbie is from 1960 and has a blonde pony and ponytail
First Barbie from 1959

1961: Ken, Barbie’s Dashing Companion

Two years after Barbie’s introduction, Ken stepped into the spotlight. Named after Handler’s son, Kenneth, Ken became Barbie’s dashing companion. With his charm and impeccable fashion sense, Ken perfectly complemented Barbie’s elegance. Together, they embarked on countless adventures, capturing the imagination of children across the globe. I wrote an article about the early Kens last year which you can read here

Photos of Barbie and Ken, Barbie wears a bridal dress, ken a casual t shirt and a pair of trousers
Barbie and Ken in 1961, the first evolution of Barbie and her family

1963: Midge, Barbie’s Best Friend

In 1963, Barbie welcomed her best friend, Midge, into her ever-growing circle. Midge was known for her vibrant personality and her infectious laughter. With her cheerful demeanor, Midge added an element of fun and camaraderie to Barbie’s world. The bond between Barbie and Midge showcased the importance of friendship and support.

The picture shows how the Barbie family grows, in 1963 Barbie gets a new best friend called Midge
Barbie got a best female friend, another evolution of Barbie and her family

1964: Skipper, Barbie’s Adorable Sister and Ken’s best friend Alan

The following year, Barbie’s family expanded further with the arrival of Skipper and Ken’s best friend Alan, who is also regarded as the boyfriend of Midge. As Barbie’s younger sister, Skipper brought a youthful energy to the mix. With her playful spirit and trendy outfits, Skipper became a beloved character among young Barbie enthusiasts. Together, Barbie and Skipper embarked on countless sisterly adventures, fostering the importance of sibling bonds.

You can see all family members until 1964, starting with Barbie, to Ken, Midge, Skipper and Alan

Like Barbie, Skipper and Midge go out to the city, Alan and Ken also spend their free time together going hunting or for a Saturday night dance. Alan has the same size like Ken. They are designed to share their clothes. Alan is also the secret hero of Barbie – the movie, the one with his striped beach shirt that probably nobody outside the Barbie community can identify without problems.  Alan is easy to identify by his red hair. After being introduced in 1963 he disappears in 1967 and re-appears in 1990 to marry Midge after a friendship of almost 30 years. Isn’t that incredible?

1965: Francie, Barbie’s Fashion-Forward Cousin

Barbie’s cousin, Francie, made her debut in 1965. Known for her impeccable fashion taste and avant-garde style, Francie pushed the boundaries of fashion and became an inspiration for young trendsetters. Her presence in Barbie’s world highlighted the importance of individuality and self-expression.

Barbie family and friends in 1965 starting with Barbie & Ken to Midge and Alan to Skipper, Francie

1966: Tutti, Barbie’s Cherished Baby Sister and her twin brother Todd

Barbie’s family was completed in 1966 with the arrival of Tutti and Todd, Barbie’s adorable baby sister and baby brother twins. With their innocent charm and tiny stature, Tutti and Todd captured the hearts of both children and adults alike. Tutti’s and Todd’s inclusion in Barbie’s world emphasized the importance of family and the joy that younger siblings bring.

Barbie family and friends in 1966 starting with Barbie & Ken to Midge and Alan to Skipper, Francie and Tutti


Barbie’s journey through the 1960s was not just a personal one. It was a journey of growth, friendship, and familial love. As Barbie’s family expanded, so did the opportunities for imaginative play and storytelling. The evolution of Barbie and her family is not always easy to understand because a lot of member come and suddenly disappear again. For a deeper look at all friends I wrote an article many years ago Barbie doll wiki: What to know about Ken, Alan and the other male friends

Through the introduction of Ken, Midge, Skipper, Francie, and Tutti, Barbie’s world became more diverse and inclusive, reflecting the changing times of the 1960s. These iconic characters left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of children, ensuring that Barbie’s legacy would endure for generations to come. In the late 60s the first black friends of Barbie were available. They are maybe worth another blog post since some friends are new in the Barbie world while others disappear again without any trace. Let’s hope that the evolution of Barbie and her family will continue in the future.

Ken, Ken or another Ken?

Introduction of Ken

I’d like to update one of my older blog posts in which I wrote about Vintage Kens. The post was from two years ago and I think it’s time for an update. I want to include new information about the types of vintage Kens that are available and popular today. As far as I am concerned, Vintage Kens were only produced for one year, followed by the replacement of a new Ken and an update to the dolls.

I learned in the last days that this is not true. I learned for example that the flocked hair Ken was sold from 1961 until 1966. In the toy industry, it’s common for manufacturers to produce a large quantity of a particular toy, hoping that it will sell out quickly. However, this is not always the case. For example, not all the stocked dolls sold immediately, as it depended on various factors, such as the part of the world where you were living. The flocked haired Kens could have been for example in Germany or Japan. In a way this makes sense because the dolls were marketed there later that in the US. It also seems that there’s a bigger variety in hair colors than I thought. I only thought there would be blonde and brown, but nope. It seems that there are more.

First Ken with flocked hair in brown ( 1961 due to thick eyebrows)

First Ken with flocked hair in blonde ( also 1961)

The eyebrows make the difference

The differences can be seen in their eyebrows. Earlier dolls have thicker eyebrows while the later versions have thinner ones but this is just one example. I will check my collection and see if there’s really a difference. I never had the idea that there might be so many differences. The boxes also show variances but I only have one box, so this is hard for me to show you.

Shortie Ken

Nevertheless I also learned that especially the so called “Shortie Kens” were produced in the US. I always thought that these Kens were only produced & painted in Japan but this was another misbelief. Their brothers from the same year produced in Japan were not “Shorty Kens”, their size was normal and their limbs don’t fall off the body. At least I can say I have one of these “Shortie Kens” produced in the US. So Ken, Ken and Ken are not the same dolls. You would also see a difference in their box but it’s hard to show you due to my lack of boxes.

US Shortie Ken, really painted in the USA, missing Japan stamp on foot

What I noticed when I got more than one of these Vintage Ken is that they are all looking very different. There are no two Kens looking the same way. We have a big variety. Each of the boys has it’s own personality. Every Ken has kind of it’s own charme.

Box of 1963 Ken

Painted hair for Ken

Painted hair Kens were not available before 1963. I thought they would have already been available in 1962. I think I have one of these 1963 Japan Kens but I want to look him up when I’m back home. I think I also have the last version from 1963 with the new arm mold but from his eyes he’s rather looking like the 1964 edition because the black in his eyes that all other versions had, is missing here. His hands are different thant the very first issues. Shortie Ken also has this arm type ( see above)

See here the different hands that the first Kens had

High Color Ken from 1966?

It was very interesting to learn that the high color Kens were only available first in 1966. I recently bought one of them. I realized it when I bought him. Some collectors consider them as a variation. It’s also possible to see among the Color Magic Barbie dolls. There are also high color variations.

High Color Ken from 1966
!961 Ken stamped foot ( left foot), Shortie Ken without any marking

I think there’s more to discover among the Kens and I hope will do it in the next weeks and months to come. Watch more about my discoveries from the past months in these videos …

New dolls in my collection

I was recently asked about the new dolls in my collection by some viewers and that’s what this article is all about, new dolls in my collection.

As you probably know I don’t collect just for the reason of having a huge collection of dolls that are in bad condition. I’m specialized in Barbie dolls but I don’t collect every doll I find. I can’t do it because of lacking space. I try to buy only what I think is worth to be collected. Some of you may have another opinion. We don’t have any Goodwill here and we had no flea markets since the begin of Corona. Used toys are rather thrown away than being sold in a store. For used clothes it’s no problem but used toys are not common to be sold in any nationwide store chain. In big cities you sometimes have antique store but it is not the rule that you find anything there.

Sometimes you can find dolls on ebay but in most cases they are overpriced. Shopping is not the fun anymore it was when I started to buy there some 20 years ago. A lot has changed since then. The Francie you already saw in the last weeks here on my channel as a big restoration projects was indeed an ebay find. It was really a coincident to find one.

That’s the Francie I’m talking about her

Her had some traces of the last 50 years and I restored her. You can find the video under this link

It’s a very popular video on my channel. It’s worth to be seen. Anyway you can learn a lot in restoring a Francie doll. Francie is the cousin of Barbie and at the moment I really like to do videos with her. You can see this doll in the next weeks on my channel again since she’s not completely finished now. She still has a cut in her arm and she will get a replacement arm. This video will follow in the next weeks. So stay tuned in.

Here’s one of the last steps in the last video. She had already gotten a repaint.

She was not the only doll I found. I also found 3 more dolls. In March I saw three male dolls for sale and purchased them. You know I’m a big fan of Ken but I only have a very few early pieces. That’s how these dolls came into my collection. I found #1 Ken, the very first one from 1961 and one edition from 1964/1965 I think. Both have straight legs, no knee joints. My Francie is also a straight leg doll. These dolls have the advantage that you don’t have any problems with green knees.

Free Moving Curtis

Free Moving Curtis from the early 1970s is the only doll with knee joints and a sphere for being super sporty where humans have their stomache. I had no Curtis before and that was my chance to buy my very first Curtis. They are offered very seldom in Germany.

#1 Ken
#1 Ken

The #1 Ken got my attention because his flocked hair is still perfect. I don’t know if any girl ever played with him. He’s still looking perfect.

The last Ken I found is the following one. He had also a perfect painted hair. No missing paint is also hard to find. That’s why he also hopped in my shopping bag. All my other Kens from the early years are not perfect. The offer was too good to reject it.

Late Straight Leg Ken, ca. 1963/1964