Music Lovin Skipper

After several weeks I was able to complete another outfit. It’s the outfit of the Music Lovin Skipper. I got the doll in May but until last week her outfit was incomplete. She was missing one of her cuffs, her shoes and her Walkman. By writing the word “Walkman” I feel so old because when I was little twenty years ago I had one but if you ask the youth of today they won’t have heard of it. So, a Walkman is a device to play a cassette for those who have never heard and never seen this device. Things one used before we had MP3s.

So back to the topic. This young girl was only available in Europe and Canada. She wears an eye-catching yellow combination and was released in 1986. She is hard to find in good and complete condition. So, here she is…. Music Lovin Skipper.



The handbag is back

Yesterday I was able to complete an outfit … after almost 17 years. At first I didn’t realized that the handbag was gone but several years ago I noticed it. And nobody seemed to know it. Later I realized that it was Fashion Avenue Fashion that was only sold in Europe.

By accident I found it last week in a heap of other Barbie stuff, you know these little accessories. I immediately asked the seller for the golden handbag and so I got it. What a happy day for every collector. Here’s a pic of what I’m talking about.


Barbie and the Sensations / Barbie and the BiBops

Today I gonna open my treasure chest again and show you my Barbie and the Sensations (Barbie and the BiBops called in Europe). Over the years I collected these dolls. I started with Belinda, the black singer of the Sensations. After a while I found Bopsy and Barbie. The last girl that arrived here is Bibi or Becky how she was called in the US, the Asian friend.

Interesting to tell is that the member of the group but Barbie have different names in Europe than in the US. In Europe Belinda was not available but the group was joined by a male member called Bobby. Bobby on the other hand was not available in the US. Bobby is the only doll missing in my collection to complete this series.

So to give you more information who is who in Europe, I’ ll give you a short list.

Barbie (US) = Barbie (Europe)

Becky(US) = Bibi (Europe)

Belinda (US) = not available in Europe

Bopsy (US) = Becky (Europe)

not available (US) = Bobby (male member of the band, Europe)

The box in the US and Europe is the same with the difference that in Europe the Band is called BiBops while they are called Sensations in the US and the graphic is a little different but discover it yourself. As always it’s interesting to learn about the differences Mattel made in different countries.

Barbie and the Sensations/Barbie and the BiBops

© Back of the US Box

©Back of the Box in Europe