New Books Celebrate Barbie’s 65th Birthday


Barbie, the iconic fashion doll, is turning 65 years old this year! To commemorate this milestone, two new books have recently been released that delve into the world of pink and provide some fascinating insights into her history, influence, and collector appeal.

Barbie: Her Inspiration, History, and Legacy

The first book, titled “Barbie: Her Inspiration, History, and Legacy,” offers a comprehensive overview of the life and legacy of our favorite doll. From her humble beginnings as a Mattel toy in 1959 to her diverse range of career aspirations and evolving fashion sense, this book explores the profound impact she has had on popular culture and society. Even the movie from 2023 is mentioned in the book and got its own chapter. My experience with the movie can be read here Barbie – the movie and tickets for a pre-premiere and here Barbie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions.

Having not read it yet it seems that this book is an updated version of the Barbie Forever – Her inspiration, history and legacy. So if you have the Forever version I’m not sure if this book is really interesting for you but I will check and read and let you know.

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Barbie Forever by Robin Gerber from 2019

The History Of Barbie Doll Collecting And Other Barbie Intrigue

The second book, “The History Of Barbie Doll Collecting And Other Barbie Intrigue,” dives into the world of Barbie collectibles. From rare vintage dolls to limited editions and designer collaborations, this book provides a fascinating glimpse into the fascinating world of fashion doll collectors. It also delves into the various controversies and controversies surrounding this cult doll, including body image and feminism. For a better overview you can see my latest video where I tell you more about my thoughts about this book.

The Evolution of Barbie

Both books shed light on the evolution of our she-ro, from her early days as a stylish teenage doll to the diverse range of characters she has become today. From princesses to veterinarians, our favorite doll has captivated the imaginations of children and adult collectors alike.

Impact on Society

Beyond her fashion sense and collector appeal, she has also had a significant impact on society. Both books explore her role in promoting diversity and inclusivity, as well as her influence on girls’ self-esteem and aspirations.

Doll Couture: Creating Custom Clothes Featuring the Story of Lola

Recently, a new book was released that, while not directly about the iconic fashion doll with six letters, focuses on the design of vintage fashion doll clothes for 11 1/2 inch dolls. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in sewing and creating their own doll clothes. It fits thematically with fashion doll enthusiasts and is a fantastic addition to your collection if you love crafting and learning new techniques for doll clothing design. Don’t miss out on this excellent guide to vintage doll fashion! If you want to see a short review, you are welcome to check out this video

The History of Barbie Doll Collecting and other Barbie Intrigue

A third book, maybe not in the most conventional style written was published by Bob Young several months ago. This book is very interesting since you learn a lot about the women who started the whole hobby of Barbie collecting. It’s a very thick book with a lot of photos. I’ve started to read the book but I have not completely finished it yet. It’s a very thick book and my goal is to read at least 3 pages every day.

What I liked about this book is that you got an insight about the many names of the women who started the magazines, the early newsletters and Barbie conventions in the USA. For me as a European it’s very expensive to fly and take part in any convention overseas but the book gives you the chance to get to know the important people. One thing I can say even if I have not finished it yet, it’s very entertaining and I have to read only 250 pages from 350 pages to finish it but really appreciate it.

Barbie book
The History of Barbie Doll Collecting by Bob Young


As our favorite doll celebrates her 65th birthday this year, these two new books offer a fascinating glimpse into the history, influence, and collector appeal of the iconic fashion doll. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or simply curious about the cultural phenomenon that this doll is , these books provide an entertaining and informative read.

Unpacking the Impact of “Black Barbie” on Netflix: A European Perspective

Netflix has once again delivered a gem with the documentary “Black Barbie,” a film that dives deep into the history and cultural significance of the Black Barbie doll. As someone who grew up in Europe with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary was both an eye-opener and a poignant reminder of the diversity we often missed out on.

A Well-Made Documentary That Hits Home

From the very beginning, “Black Barbie” is captivating. The documentary is meticulously crafted, with a narrative that is both engaging and educational. It brings to light the important contributions of Kitty Black Perkins, the designer behind the original Black Barbie. Perkins, who I’ve read about but never seen before, is a central figure in the documentary. Her insights and experiences add a personal touch to the story, making it even more compelling. Below you can see what I have from the Shani Asha line.

Kitty Black Perkins: The Designer Who Made History

Kitty Black Perkins’ journey is nothing short of inspiring. As a trailblazing designer at Mattel, she played a pivotal role in creating the first Black Barbie. The documentary does an excellent job of highlighting her career, her challenges, and her triumphs. Seeing her speak about her work and the impact she hoped to achieve was a highlight for me. It’s one thing to read about such an influential figure, but seeing her and hearing her story firsthand added a new level of appreciation for her contributions.

The Birth of Black Barbie: A Riveting Tale

The story of how Black Barbie came to be is as fascinating as it is important. The documentary delves into the socio-political climate of the time and the pressure on Mattel to diversify its product line. The arrival of Black Barbie wasn’t just a business decision; it was a cultural milestone. For many, this doll represented a significant step towards inclusivity and representation in the toy industry.

A European Childhood with Limited Diversity

Growing up in Europe, my experience with Barbie dolls was quite different. The shelves were predominantly filled with fair-skinned, blonde Barbies. The diversity we now see in the Barbie lineup was largely absent. I remember seeing the occasional Benetton Christie doll, but Black dolls were a rarity. The documentary made me reflect on my childhood and the limited options we had. In the mid 1990s however one Shani was available in Europe. She was back then not super interesting to me because I already had one Barbie with the Paint n Dazzle feature but you can see from the box that she was made for the European market with a multi-lingual box.

The Appeal of Shani: A Missed Opportunity in Europe

One of the standout dolls mentioned in the documentary is Shani. I couldn’t help but think how well Shani would have been received in Europe. She would have brought much-needed diversity to our toy stores. As children, we would have found Shani fascinating and appealing. Her absence in European markets felt like a missed opportunity for greater representation and inclusivity.

The Desire for More Variety

The documentary also made me ponder the limited selection we often encountered. In Europe, it felt like we only got a subset of the full Barbie range available in the US. More variety would have certainly been welcomed. While blonde Barbies were a staple and had their charm, it’s important to recognize that not everyone in Europe is blonde. The range of hair colors and styles available to us was quite limited. Having more options would have allowed for better representation and a richer play experience.

Representation Matters

“Black Barbie” reinforces the importance of representation in toys. Dolls like Black Barbie and Shani offer children the opportunity to see themselves reflected in their toys, which is crucial for developing a positive self-image. They also teach children about diversity and inclusivity from a young age. This is something that, looking back, was sorely lacking in my own childhood toy collection. Seen from my childhood perspective I’m not sure if anything was lacking because I didn’t know any other reality or any other dolls. The information and pics we had back then were limited. The internet later made it easier to learn about Barbie and her distribution worldwide.

Conclusion: A Call for Continued Progress

“Black Barbie” on Netflix is a must-watch documentary that sheds light on an important chapter in toy history. It celebrates the achievements of Kitty Black Perkins and the significance of Black Barbie in promoting diversity and inclusion. As someone who grew up with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary resonated deeply with me.

The story of Black Barbie is a reminder of the progress that has been made and the work that still needs to be done. It’s a call for continued efforts to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to toys that represent them. Diversity in toys is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for fostering a more inclusive and accepting world.

In Europe, where we often had a limited selection of Barbie dolls, the introduction of more diverse dolls like Black Barbie and Shani would have made a significant difference. They would have enriched our play experiences and broadened our perspectives from a young age. As we move forward, let’s hope that the toy industry continues to embrace diversity and offers children everywhere the chance to see themselves in their toys.

Pizza Party with Skipper, Courtney, and Kevin at Pizza Hut

After an 18-month hiatus, the Pizza Party is finally back on! And what better place to have it than Pizza Hut? Today, we gather to celebrate with Skipper, Courtney, and Kevin, our three beloved dolls who bring so much joy and laughter into our lives.

Skipper: The Special-Head Mold Doll

One of the highlights of this party is the presence of Pizza Party Skipper, a unique doll with her own special head mold. This mold is not commonly used, but I happen to love it. The sculpt of Skipper’s face captures her mischievous and playful nature perfectly. She has those adorable dimples and twinkling eyes that instantly bring a smile to your face.

Courtney: Best Friend Forever

Alongside Skipper is Pizza Party Courtney, her best friend and constant companion. Courtney’s optimistic and bubbly personality complements Skipper’s mischievous charm. Together, they make the perfect pair, always ready to embark on a new adventure or solve a mystery.

Kevin: The Boy Friend

Kevin, our boy friend, rounds out the trio. With his kind and caring nature, Pizza Party Kevin brings a sense of stability and warmth to our little doll world. Whether it’s sharing a pizza slice or lending a helping hand, he is always there to support Pizza Party Skipper and Courtney.

Pizza Party at Pizza Hut

And now, the moment we have all been waiting for – the party at Pizza Hut! The smell of freshly baked pizzas fills the air, and the sound of laughter echoes throughout the restaurant. Skipper, Courtney, and Kevin, dressed in their casual attire, are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their delicious feast.

As the waiter brings over the pizzas, our dolls’ eyes light up with excitement. They take turns choosing the toppings, each creating a unique pizza that reflects their own preferences. From classic pepperoni and cheese to more adventurous combinations like Hawaiian and vegetarian, there is no shortage of choices for everyone to enjoy.

While they eat their pizzas, our dolls engage in lively conversations, sharing hilarious anecdotes about their adventures and secrets. They reminisce about the times they have spent together, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Pizza Party Skipper and her friends from the 1990s

Memories of the 90s

In addition to pizza, Pizza Hut also offers a variety of sides and desserts, allowing our dolls to satisfy their cravings for more than just savory pies. They indulge in cheesy garlic bread, garden salads, and delectable chocolate sundaes, creating a feast fit for royalty.

As the night comes to a close, our dolls’ energy levels reach an all-time high. They dance to the infectious tunes of the jukebox, creating their own mini disco on the floor. The laughter continues, and it is clear that this pizza party has exceeded all expectations.

So, as we gather our dolls and bid farewell to Pizza Hut, we can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude. Their presence in our lives has brought endless joy and laughter, and a party like this is just a small token of our appreciation for them.

In conclusion, the party with Skipper, Courtney, and Kevin at Pizza Hut was nothing short of magical. The combination of their unique personalities, special head molds, and a shared love for pizza made this celebration truly unforgettable. We can’t wait for the next party, where new memories will be created and old ones will be cherished. The next Skipper that awaited the children after Pizza Party Skipper was this one here . A Play set was also available for the Pizza Party series which you can see here

Barbie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions

Introduction to Barbie the movie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the pre-premiere of the much-anticipated Barbie, the movie at our local cinema. Can we consider it as a journey from the perfect world to real emotions ? As I walked into the theater, I was taken aback by the overwhelming crowd that had gathered for the screening. It seemed that the allure of Barbie had drawn in more visitors than anyone had anticipated. Excitement filled the air as the lights dimmed, and the movie began.

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Local cinema just minutes before the premiere

The Beginning – a perfect Barbie world?:

The movie opened with scenes already known from the trailer, giving us a glimpse into the magical and perfect world of Barbie. The visuals were stunning, showcasing a perfect Barbie land where every day was filled with joy and happiness. It was a world that many of us could only dream of. The attention to detail was remarkable, and it immediately captured the audience’s attention.

Barbie’s Owner and Real Emotions:

In the real world, Barbie’s owner was a young girl who loved her dearly. She played with Barbie, creating scenes and stories that brought her imagination to life. However, as the movie progressed, it became evident that the young girl had turned in a woman in her mid 40s who was feeling a sense of sadness in her real life. She mirrored the same emotions that Barbie seemed to experience in her perfect world which suddenly was not perfect anymore.

The Perfect World Shattered:

Unexpectedly, the perfect world that Barbie inhabited began to crumble. As Barbie’s owner faced challenges and hardships, Barbie could no longer ignore the real emotions that were surfacing within her. The once idyllic Barbie land was transformed into a world of chaos and uncertainty. It was a pivotal moment in the movie, as Barbie realized that she needed to venture into the real world to find healing and a deeper understanding of herself.

Barbie’s Journey to the Real World:

With determination in her eyes, Barbie made the courageous decision to leave her perfect world behind and embark on a journey into the real world. This marked a significant turning point in the movie, as Barbie stepped out of her comfort zone and embraced the challenges that awaited her. Ken smuggled himself into her pink car and joined her on the trip to the real world. The audience was captivated by the transformation that Barbie underwent, as she navigated the complexities of the real world with grace and resilience.

Ken caused chaos in Barbie’s perfect world and caused real emotions

Ken also discovered the real world in his own way. Finding the masculine world more than enticing he tried to import horses and patriarchy into the Barbie world with the idea to dominate it. After realizing that Ken wanted to take over Barbieland Barbie travels back with the Barbie owner that made her feel sad and her daughter to save the Barbie world from Ken.


The Barbie movie, while having a somewhat trashy storyline, managed to strike a chord with the audience. It highlighted the importance of acknowledging and embracing our true emotions, even if they are not always pleasant. Barbie’s journey from her perfect world to the real world served as a reminder that healing and growth often come from stepping outside of our comfort zones.

As the credits rolled, the crowded cinema erupted with applause, a testament to the impact that Barbie had on the audience. Despite its flaws, the movie succeeded in delivering a powerful message of self-discovery and resilience. It left the viewers reflecting on their own lives, inspired to embrace their emotions and embark on their own journeys of healing. The secret hero in this play is however Allan.

In my opinion it’s also beneficial to know the characters from the 1960s until 1990s to understand the movie completely. Ruth Handler also appears as nice old lady living in the cellar of the Mattel headquarter. At the end we learn that Ruth was only a ghost since she died over two decades ago.

Keeping my promise – Barbie: A Journey from the perfect world to real emotions

In my first article about the movie which you can read here I promised to wear my Pinup Couture dress and bring a Ponytail Barbie with me to the cinema. In my wildest dreams I hoped to find a pink box like some of you may already have seen via Facebook. However our cinema had no such pink box for photos and we had to improvise for the photo.

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In our local cinema without the pink box

Everywhere Pink

What we experienced was a whole cinema full with people dresses in pink. My dress has also a little bit of pink in it but it’s not completely pink. Yesterday pink seemed not to be a matter of age, just what the visitors imagined when thinking of Barbie. Maybe I’m a little bit old fashioned but I think the pink is a bit narrow-minded since Barbie represents at least for me more the the color pink.

Tutti, Todd and their problems

You have probably never heard of Tutti and Todd. No wonder. I also never heard of them for a long time. Even after starting to collect Barbie dolls I was for a while not aware that these dolls existed.

What’s the problem? Well, they were stopped to be in production almost a decade when I was born and I think they were not as wide spread as Barbie and the grown up family members.

Tutti and Todd are twin baby sister and baby brother of Barbie from the mid 60s until the mid 70s and then they disappear from the family and were never seen or heard of again. For a first impression I would like to link to!gallery-1176-9939

D has always nice pics of a ton of Barbie dolls. But what makes Tutti and Todd so special that I dedicate here an article to these two twins? I recently bought a package with repair parts and among these dolls was a Tutti with a green leg and an open arm. So I was able to show you the wire inside the body. It’s the wire that causes the problem concerning the green arms and legs these dolls have often.

The wire reacted with some kind of liquid, often water. I think this problem is so wide spread because these smaller dolls were produced in one step while Barbie was produced in several steps. For Barbie you needed to produce the torso, the arms and the legs separately plus the head. For Tutti and Todd you needed only body and head. Here was at least a potential to save money and I think that these dolls now suffer from.!

It’s something you hardly find information about but I think they are worth to be talked about even if they are out of production now for a long time. The little outfits have their very own charm and there are lots of outfits for Tutti and Todd around. By the way this Todd mentioned here has nothing to do with Todd!gallery-557-11415 from 1982, the groom of Tracy!gallery-553-6993

The dolls are not related here. I know it’s sometimes a bit confusing. I hope you like this little article about Tutti, Todd and their problems.

Do you know Chatty Cathy?

To those of you who watch my youtube channel it’s not new that I’m repairing a Talking Barbie but do you know that there were more Talking dolls produced by Mattel? Did you know that Chatty Cathy is a bit older than Talking Barbie? No? She can also be repaired and has many fans around the world. Here’s her story.

First Mexican Barbie doll arrived

Last week I told you that I bought my first Barbie doll from Mexico. She has arrived in the meantime. Here’s Animal Lovin Barbie from Mexico. I assume she was there also produced in the late 1980s so that we can say that she’s approx. 30 years old. Their heads tend to become very pale. A part of the makeup is also pale. I don’t know why it happens but I have seen it on many of the Mexican Barbie dolls. It also seems to be like a disease.

A lot of work ahead of me

The next weeks are going to be very busy for me. I don’t if I find the time to do a Tuesday video for Busy B. I think it should not be a problem to do a Friday video but I don’t know if there is much more time. I’ve really some work to do in April and May. I’m currently reorientiating professionally and won’t be at home much for the next six or seven weeks. Of course that doesn’t mean that I stop collecting Barbie dolls. It’s just that I have less time in the next weeks for hobby stuff like youtube.

A visit at Tokyo Skytree

For Barbie dolls 60th anniversary you can visit an exhibition at Tokyo Skytree with different dolls from the last 6 decades and read about the dolls. There was also a one of a kind event for a Japanese designer. Everything ready for the 60th birthday huh ?