Home office here I come

Monday morning, I’m at home waiting for the remote access to my office computer and nothing happens. The dream of a good Monday morning, right? Nobody is answering the phone in the office and I’m almost waiting for one hour now, installed everything but nothing happens. It’s eerie somehow. I want to work but I can’t.

On Friday I read by accident that the bus traffic is highly limited from today on. Of course I told my boss about the problem. He wants to solve it today but until now no sign of him. It’s a situation I really don’t like because I’m a workoholic and I don’t like to do nothing.

So I’m really surprised how my first day in home office will be.

What’s going on behind the scenes?

Well, I have not posted the most fancy videos in the last time. That’s right but I’m working, working, working to present you more interesting and longer videos in the next weeks. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.

I’m still alive, still working at several new projects at the same time with less time after closing time than ever before, using my weekend just to cut videos. At the moment while lots of businesses are closing down I do overtime so that I can go home Friday noon. I like the perspective very much. Not bad, huh?


Yep, I have plans what to do with the time. Some of the time will go into videography, some in other things I have to do. One thing that really encourages my mind is that we have almost Thursday here and the weekend is not far away. I have enough tasks at work and I’m happy that I’m not yet forced to do home office. Don’t be afraid the crazy Barbie collector is soon back with new videos and crazy ideas.

By the way I don’t like the Corona virus panic at all. Why don’t we keep calm and see what’s gonna happen? Keep calm and drink tea …

My goals for 2020, not just for Barbie dolls

I’m back for the moment. Yes, it’s the crazy Barbie collector again. This time I have no pics of new dolls at the moment because I found none in February. Sometimes this happens to a collectors and yes, it’s okay. It happens once or twice a year. So don’t worry. That’s no problems but it’s not that I haven’t tried to get some Barbie dolls. Call this real life. It’s okay with me but I used this month to find other little things for future works in February. Do you know where to buy these teeny tiny zippers and buttons Mattel used for Barbie clothes in the early days? I did not actually search for them but I found them in February.

I found out what else my goals are for 2020 beside the things I already told you. Maybe some of you have realized that I’m a lateral thinker. I question things if they don’t work out the way it want them to. I try to consider problems not just from one side but from all sides and then see solutions other people can’t or simply don’t want to see. It’s always been in my nature to try things out, see how they work, realize how I can change them or what can be done in a better way to improve them.

Combining hobby and professional work

This week was a very busy week at work and I was sitting in my bus to work when I saw it very clear. It’s not that my ride by bus is a very long one every day but the ray of sunlight I saw on Tuesday made it clear to me. I want to improve my skills, not just the ones to write here but also to do better videos, to cut better videos but also to gain more viewers so that I don’t have to fight with any stupid algorithms anymore. My plan?

I did it on Wednesday. I put my plan into reality and found a platform where can hopefully what I want. I’m very ambitious when it comes to learn something. The good thing is that I can not only use it for private stuff but also for my profession. I do all the Social Media stuff for my employer and he likes my ideas but I have to stick out from the mass to sell things. In my opinion from what I’ve learned and know so far little things make the difference but they are important. So what is better to combine areas of knowledge?