The Quest for Tiny Lace and Barbie-Size Rickrack: Elevating Designs to New Heights


In the world of miniature fashion and crafting, finding the perfect accessories can be a challenging endeavor. It is not uncommon to spend countless hours searching for tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack, only to come up empty-handed. However, for those who refuse to give up on their creative vision, there is hope. In this blog post, we will explore the difficulties of obtaining these elusive accessories, share a tale of one shop that offers them, and discuss how these elements can truly spice up any design. Sometimes you have the impression that the quest for tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack is hopeless although it elevates your designs to new heights.

The Struggle to Find Tiny Lace and Barbie-Size Rickrack:

When it comes to creating intricate designs for Barbie dolls or other miniature projects, attention to detail is crucial. However, sourcing tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack can be a daunting task. In most physical stores, these accessories are hard to find, if not entirely absent from the shelves. Crafters and collectors often face disappointment as they scour the aisles in search of these delicate embellishments.

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Hope Shines Through:

Amidst the challenge, there is a glimmer of hope. While the hunt for these accessories may be arduous, there are a few specialized shops that cater to the needs of miniaturists and doll enthusiasts. These hidden gems offer a wide array of tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack, providing a breath of fresh air for those seeking to elevate their designs. Many years ago I had the luck to find the right size rickrack but it’s often the case that when you buy it and get it a few days later you find out it’s taller than described.

Spicing Up Every Design:

Once in possession of these coveted accessories, the possibilities are endless. Tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack have the power to transform even the simplest of designs into something breathtaking. Whether it’s adding a touch of elegance to a miniature gown or enhancing the charm of a doll’s outfit, these embellishments bring a new level of sophistication and detail to any creation.

You know my brain never rests. I’m constantly searching for new ideas and new designs to differentiate from other Barbie size clothes designers. Since I first saw the Barbie fashion designer PC CD I wanted to do it too but I had no understanding of how this works in reality. For a long time I thought I’d never make it and then it was there. I suddenly knew how to design and wanted to make my designs very unique.

The Challenge of 3mm for Barbie:

While tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack are already challenging to find, there is an additional obstacle for those working on Barbie-sized projects – the elusive 3mm size. As Barbie dolls are known for their slender proportions, finding lace and rickrack that perfectly fit their scale can feel like an impossible task. However, with perseverance and a bit of creativity, crafters can adapt larger accessories to suit the needs of their Barbie-sized creations.

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In the world of miniature fashion and crafting, the journey to find tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack may be a challenging one. However, by exploring specialized shops and refusing to give up, crafters and collectors can spice up their designs and bring their creative visions to life. So, the next time you embark on a miniature project, remember the power of these accessories and let your imagination run wild. I hope you find tiny lace and Barbie-size rickrack for your projects, too.

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Riley Blake Fabric in Europe: A Hidden Gem for Barbie Dress Enthusiasts

Introduction of Riley Blake fabric:

In the world of fabric enthusiasts and power seamstresses, Riley Blake is a name that resonates with creativity, quality, and unique designs. Last week, while browsing through social media, I stumbled upon an adorable Barbie dress made from Riley Blake fabric. The fabric was adorned with delicate butterflies, creating an enchanting aesthetic. Intrigued, I embarked on a quest to find this fabric, uncovering the Butterfly Blossom collection from Riley Blake. However, I soon discovered that obtaining these fabrics in Europe posed a significant challenge. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this hurdle and the potential solutions for obtaining Riley Blake fabrics in Germany. I must say that these fabrics are a hidden Gem for Barbie dress enthusiasts.

The Butterfly Blossom Collection:

The Butterfly Blossom collection by Riley Blake is a stunning assortment of fabrics that effortlessly capture the essence of whimsy and grace. With delicate butterflies fluttering across a range of vibrant backgrounds, this collection offers endless possibilities for creating beautiful garments, quilts, and other creative projects. The intricate designs and high-quality materials make these fabrics a favorite among sewing enthusiasts worldwide.

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Riley Blake Designs (@rileyblakedesigns)

The Problem:

Despite the popularity and demand for Riley Blake fabrics, acquiring them in Europe, especially in Germany, can be quite challenging. One might wonder why it is a problem to simply purchase Riley Blake fabrics from the actual collection in Germany. The primary reason lies in the limited availability and distribution channels of the brand in Europe.

Limited Availability:

Riley Blake fabrics are primarily manufactured and distributed in the United States, which leads to limited availability in international markets. While the company has made efforts to expand its reach, Europe, and Germany, in particular, still face hurdles in accessing the complete range of Riley Blake fabrics.

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Cute Little Fabric Shop (@cutelittlefabricshop)

Distribution Challenges:

The distribution process for Riley Blake fabrics involves multiple intermediaries, including wholesalers, retailers, and online platforms. These intermediaries play a crucial role in ensuring the fabrics reach the end consumers. However, the complex distribution network often leads to delays, stock shortages, and increased prices for customers in Europe. As a result, obtaining the desired fabric from the Butterfly Blossom collection becomes a frustrating and time-consuming endeavor.

Potential Solutions:

Despite the challenges, there are a few potential solutions for European fabric enthusiasts who wish to get their hands on Riley Blake fabrics, specifically in Germany.

Online Retailers:

Several online retailers based in the United States offer international shipping options, allowing European customers to purchase Riley Blake fabrics directly. While this option may involve additional shipping costs and longer delivery times, it provides access to a wider range of fabrics than what may be available locally.

Local Retailers:

Although the collection might be limited, some local fabric stores in Germany occasionally stock Riley Blake fabrics. It is worth visiting these stores or contacting them to inquire about the availability of the Butterfly Blossom collection or other Riley Blake fabrics.

Group Orders:

Another option is to collaborate with fellow fabric enthusiasts in Europe and organize group orders directly from Riley Blake or through wholesale distributors. By pooling resources and placing large orders, the overall cost per yard can be reduced, making it a more viable option for acquiring Riley Blake fabrics.


Riley Blake fabrics, particularly the Butterfly Blossom collection, are a delightful addition to any sewing project. While obtaining these fabrics in Europe, especially in Germany, can be a challenge, there are potential solutions available. Exploring online retailers, checking local fabric stores, or organizing group orders can help European fabric enthusiasts fulfill their creative visions with Riley Blake fabrics. Despite the hurdles, the joy and satisfaction of working with these exceptional fabrics make the effort worthwhile.

Barbie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions

Introduction to Barbie the movie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions

Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the pre-premiere of the much-anticipated Barbie, the movie at our local cinema. Can we consider it as a journey from the perfect world to real emotions ? As I walked into the theater, I was taken aback by the overwhelming crowd that had gathered for the screening. It seemed that the allure of Barbie had drawn in more visitors than anyone had anticipated. Excitement filled the air as the lights dimmed, and the movie began.

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Local cinema just minutes before the premiere

The Beginning – a perfect Barbie world?:

The movie opened with scenes already known from the trailer, giving us a glimpse into the magical and perfect world of Barbie. The visuals were stunning, showcasing a perfect Barbie land where every day was filled with joy and happiness. It was a world that many of us could only dream of. The attention to detail was remarkable, and it immediately captured the audience’s attention.

Barbie’s Owner and Real Emotions:

In the real world, Barbie’s owner was a young girl who loved her dearly. She played with Barbie, creating scenes and stories that brought her imagination to life. However, as the movie progressed, it became evident that the young girl had turned in a woman in her mid 40s who was feeling a sense of sadness in her real life. She mirrored the same emotions that Barbie seemed to experience in her perfect world which suddenly was not perfect anymore.

The Perfect World Shattered:

Unexpectedly, the perfect world that Barbie inhabited began to crumble. As Barbie’s owner faced challenges and hardships, Barbie could no longer ignore the real emotions that were surfacing within her. The once idyllic Barbie land was transformed into a world of chaos and uncertainty. It was a pivotal moment in the movie, as Barbie realized that she needed to venture into the real world to find healing and a deeper understanding of herself.

Barbie’s Journey to the Real World:

With determination in her eyes, Barbie made the courageous decision to leave her perfect world behind and embark on a journey into the real world. This marked a significant turning point in the movie, as Barbie stepped out of her comfort zone and embraced the challenges that awaited her. Ken smuggled himself into her pink car and joined her on the trip to the real world. The audience was captivated by the transformation that Barbie underwent, as she navigated the complexities of the real world with grace and resilience.

Ken caused chaos in Barbie’s perfect world and caused real emotions

Ken also discovered the real world in his own way. Finding the masculine world more than enticing he tried to import horses and patriarchy into the Barbie world with the idea to dominate it. After realizing that Ken wanted to take over Barbieland Barbie travels back with the Barbie owner that made her feel sad and her daughter to save the Barbie world from Ken.


The Barbie movie, while having a somewhat trashy storyline, managed to strike a chord with the audience. It highlighted the importance of acknowledging and embracing our true emotions, even if they are not always pleasant. Barbie’s journey from her perfect world to the real world served as a reminder that healing and growth often come from stepping outside of our comfort zones.

As the credits rolled, the crowded cinema erupted with applause, a testament to the impact that Barbie had on the audience. Despite its flaws, the movie succeeded in delivering a powerful message of self-discovery and resilience. It left the viewers reflecting on their own lives, inspired to embrace their emotions and embark on their own journeys of healing. The secret hero in this play is however Allan.

In my opinion it’s also beneficial to know the characters from the 1960s until 1990s to understand the movie completely. Ruth Handler also appears as nice old lady living in the cellar of the Mattel headquarter. At the end we learn that Ruth was only a ghost since she died over two decades ago.

Keeping my promise – Barbie: A Journey from the perfect world to real emotions

In my first article about the movie which you can read here I promised to wear my Pinup Couture dress and bring a Ponytail Barbie with me to the cinema. In my wildest dreams I hoped to find a pink box like some of you may already have seen via Facebook. However our cinema had no such pink box for photos and we had to improvise for the photo.

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In our local cinema without the pink box

Everywhere Pink

What we experienced was a whole cinema full with people dresses in pink. My dress has also a little bit of pink in it but it’s not completely pink. Yesterday pink seemed not to be a matter of age, just what the visitors imagined when thinking of Barbie. Maybe I’m a little bit old fashioned but I think the pink is a bit narrow-minded since Barbie represents at least for me more the the color pink.

Barbie – the movie and tickets for a pre-premiere

Introduction – how Barbie – the movie made me curious

I decided short-term today to buy tickets to Barbie – the movie that will be aired in the cinemas in July 2023 after being undecided about it. Our local cinema offers a pre-premiere on July, 19th 8.00p.m. The tickets were just printed. I bought them by the end of June.

I’m surprised now what will expect us. Normally I’m no big fan of Barbie movies. As you probably know I grew up in the 90s and we had only cassette-tapes and radio plays of Barbie but no movies and no Barbie series in TV . What I don’t know is if these cassettes were also outside of Germany available in other foreign languages or not. For me Barbie had a voice but no appearance in any movie but in the catalogs that we got every six months for free from out toy stores with the wonderful name of “Barbie Journal”. I have already written about this in the past and I’m pretty sure I already reported about it in one of my videos.

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The most important facts I found for Barbie – the movie

Some facts we already knew before seeing Barbie – the movie

We already learned that the first dolls from the movie are already available online but in my opinion it’s too expensive for what this will offer. The car could be interesting but this is also way too expensive from what I have seen and no we have no Walmart around the corner. I have also seen some trailers of the movie. Let’s see if I can link them here.

I admit I had to laugh when I saw it. Somehow the trailer was in its own style funny. Maybe we see some great 90s outfits? In a deep corner of my childhood “Me” I’m surprised what this movie will offer. Will it be a joy of creativity and met my expectations or will it just be a trashy movie of a fashion doll that was the best sold fashion dolls by the end of the 1990s? Who knows? I will see the movie and tell you right after having it seen. By the way there are some other trailers available. The “B” in the movie poster is the one that was used from 1977 until 1991. Maybe this is also an aspect that made feel deep inside curious about this movie.

A cinema visit with my very own way to pay tribute to Barbie

Here’s my crazy idea what to wear for the cinema. I have a lot of retro cut 50s inspired dresses like this one from Pinup Couture. Pinup Couture is cutting very small but I had the luck to find an unused Stella music dress last year that a professional tailor cut down to my size. So I have this wonderful music inspired dress that I love to wear and now I even have an occasion. Wanted to wear it for several weeks now. Instead of posting a pic of myself here I share a professional one that is done for promo reasons.

I also decided to put one of my Ponytail Barbie dolls, yeah the really old ones, in a box and take her with me to the cinema for making a pic in front of the ad we will surely find in the cinema. By the way this is an idea of my boyfriend.

Time to wait and go to the premiere of Barbie – the movie ! Until then! Have lots of fun. I will write a short blog post after the visit. Read about the visit in the cinema in this article Barbie: A Journey From Perfect World to Real Emotions