The crazy Barbie collector is back again and has a new topic for you. Christmas is coming up in the next week and it’s time for Santa Claus. In the last weeks a thought came into my mind. What about the Santa Claus Ken?
He came into my mind because I don’t have him in my collection but it would be nice to have one. I have the whole series of Coca Cola Barbie from 1998 & 1999 but Santa Claus is missing. This year I realized it in time and I hope that he’ll arrive in time since I’m not at home for the holidays.
I have them all
I bought almost all dolls from the Coca Cola series several years ago. I have them all, the blonde waitress, the Soda Jerk Ken, the Coca Cola Soda Fountain Sweetheart Barbie with her petticoat, the Majorette and the Cheerleader Barbie. When this series came out around 20 years ago I wanted to have them all. I think they are cute, they are dressed in one of my favorite decade’s outfits and there is a diorama for this series. The diorama, the Coca Cola Soda Fountain, is great. I wish there were more of these dioramas. It came in a giant box from Spain. Okay, I got mine from Spain. Hey, but who cares? The most important thing is to have it. What about you?
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Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram anCoca Cola Barbie. NIB. 350 ribu. Damaged box. Kaos kaki kotor dan bahan kulit jaket mengelupas. #jualbarbie #jualmainan #jualboneka #barbie #cocacola #cocacolabarbie #garasirana #sold_garasirana
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Many years I didn’t realize that the Santa Claus Ken belongs to this series because the other dolls look more like it’s more like summer and not like Christmas. Maybe it was the reason why I didn’t consider him being part of this series.

I hope my little photo stories become better and nicer with the new Santa Claus Ken. That’s the joy of a Barbie collector … just play around with your dolls. Believe it or not but I have seldom time to do so.