Finally complete

In the last weeks I had the chance to complete my  1977  Superstar Barbie doll. She came with her dress, earrings and her ring.  Back then when she was released with a dress, a boa, a pair of  pink Superstar shoes, earrings, a necklace and a ring.

Here are some pictures of the now completed outfit:




Superstar #1

Recently I bought the doll that gave a whole era its name. This doll is the very first issue of the Superstar Barbie. She was produced in 1977. The pink dress she was sold in has the disadvantage that the body and the dress fusion after a while. So it is advising to move the dress occasionally.  To tell you a positive aspect the fusion marks can be removed if the fusion process hasn’t progressed too far.

The doll you can see here is not complete. She lack the necklace, the pair of shoes and her pink boa.

Superstar #1 Barbie

Superstar #1 Babie cc

Superstar #1 Barbie in pink dress