A new idea – Help for Help

I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world but Germany  well known auctioneers try get private Barbie collectors out of their company. They only want professional dealers and no private individuals anymore. That’s very sad. Several days ago I had an idea. Maybe this could be a solution. I had the idea to offer a platform where private Barbie collectors could meet.  If collector A has a doll which misses several plugs and collector B is able to fix it, they could deal with each other. When collector A needs help she/he gets the help of another collector, a system that works almost without money.

Collector A could offer something collector B is looking for. The deal could also include serveral people. If collector A is searching someone to reroot serveral plugs and offers a dress collector c is looking for but collector b can help with the reroot and collector c would offer collector b a dress she is looking for, then they could  also deal.

Of course this idea is not perfect. At least we would need a feedback system and we had to control who participates in the system since too many black sheeps destroy the market. And of course there should be a regulation that only real Barbie dolls and their belongings  should be part of the deals. Clones would also destroy the market.

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