My first Barbie reroot

I was busy in the last days since I prepared myself for my first Barbie reroot. Today I gonna show you the result in pictues. I used the lock and loop method for the reroot. I needed two days to reroot the whole head.

Before the reroot

The beginning of the reroot with a bold head

As you can see the doll has no hair at the moment after 2 hours of work

A minute before the reroot was started

After the first plugs...

After the first 3 hours of work

After 4 hours of work

After 6 hours of work

After 8 hours of work

After 8 hours of work

After 10 hours of work

After 12 hours of work

After 12 hours of work

Approximately after 13 hours of work

After 14 hours of work

After 15 hours of work

After 16 and a half hours of work

After 18 hours of work

After 19 hours of work

After 19 and a half hours of work

After 20 hours of work