A happy new Barbie year

Finally I have some free time to write a new article.  I was home for Christmas and came back 10 days ago. My  Christmas gift was the Pink Splendor Barbie. I wanted her since 1999 when I saw her the first time ( although she was released in 1996).  Since the prices for Barbie dolls are not the highest ones in history at the moment I found a seller who sold her for a good price.

To be honest I was amazed when I opened the shipper to get her box out of the shipper. My first thought when I saw her was “wow”.  She came in the biggest box I have ever seen anf she filled the box out. I’m happy to have her in my collection now.

Pink Splendor Barbie

Pink Splendor Barbie

Pink Splendor Barbie

Pink Splendor Barbie

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