My Holiday Barbie dolls

Today I’d like to show you now my Holiday Barbie Collection. She contains the first 10 Happy Holidays Barbie dolls from 1988 -1998, the Millennium Holiday Barbie dolls and continues from 2001 to 2011. The only dolls missing are the Happy Holidays Barbie 1997 (blonde hair), the Holiday Visions Barbie doll from 2003 and the Holiday 2004 Barbie doll in burgundy dress(Sears exclusive).

My Holiday Barbie dolls from 1988 to 2011

One Reply to “My Holiday Barbie dolls”

  1. OMG i am 13 yrs old and my mother has bought me every holiday barbie doll since 2002 exept last year and this year because my dad and her seperated in 2009 and moved to alberta in augest 2011 so i am trying to buy every holiday barbie ever and to continue as long as i can !!!! i am super inspierd by this!!!!! hey i have a question do you know what was the first holiday barbie doll like what year and what inspired you to collect and how long do you plan to collect plz awnser to i would love to chat wit u !!! [smile] :)

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