Unpacking the Impact of “Black Barbie” on Netflix: A European Perspective

Netflix has once again delivered a gem with the documentary “Black Barbie,” a film that dives deep into the history and cultural significance of the Black Barbie doll. As someone who grew up in Europe with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary was both an eye-opener and a poignant reminder of the diversity we often missed out on.

A Well-Made Documentary That Hits Home

From the very beginning, “Black Barbie” is captivating. The documentary is meticulously crafted, with a narrative that is both engaging and educational. It brings to light the important contributions of Kitty Black Perkins, the designer behind the original Black Barbie. Perkins, who I’ve read about but never seen before, is a central figure in the documentary. Her insights and experiences add a personal touch to the story, making it even more compelling. Below you can see what I have from the Shani Asha line.

Kitty Black Perkins: The Designer Who Made History

Kitty Black Perkins’ journey is nothing short of inspiring. As a trailblazing designer at Mattel, she played a pivotal role in creating the first Black Barbie. The documentary does an excellent job of highlighting her career, her challenges, and her triumphs. Seeing her speak about her work and the impact she hoped to achieve was a highlight for me. It’s one thing to read about such an influential figure, but seeing her and hearing her story firsthand added a new level of appreciation for her contributions.

The Birth of Black Barbie: A Riveting Tale

The story of how Black Barbie came to be is as fascinating as it is important. The documentary delves into the socio-political climate of the time and the pressure on Mattel to diversify its product line. The arrival of Black Barbie wasn’t just a business decision; it was a cultural milestone. For many, this doll represented a significant step towards inclusivity and representation in the toy industry.https://www.netflix.com/de/title/81716193

A European Childhood with Limited Diversity

Growing up in Europe, my experience with Barbie dolls was quite different. The shelves were predominantly filled with fair-skinned, blonde Barbies. The diversity we now see in the Barbie lineup was largely absent. I remember seeing the occasional Benetton Christie doll, but Black dolls were a rarity. The documentary made me reflect on my childhood and the limited options we had. In the mid 1990s however one Shani was available in Europe. She was back then not super interesting to me because I already had one Barbie with the Paint n Dazzle feature but you can see from the box that she was made for the European market with a multi-lingual box.

The Appeal of Shani: A Missed Opportunity in Europe

One of the standout dolls mentioned in the documentary is Shani. I couldn’t help but think how well Shani would have been received in Europe. She would have brought much-needed diversity to our toy stores. As children, we would have found Shani fascinating and appealing. Her absence in European markets felt like a missed opportunity for greater representation and inclusivity.

The Desire for More Variety

The documentary also made me ponder the limited selection we often encountered. In Europe, it felt like we only got a subset of the full Barbie range available in the US. More variety would have certainly been welcomed. While blonde Barbies were a staple and had their charm, it’s important to recognize that not everyone in Europe is blonde. The range of hair colors and styles available to us was quite limited. Having more options would have allowed for better representation and a richer play experience.

Representation Matters

“Black Barbie” reinforces the importance of representation in toys. Dolls like Black Barbie and Shani offer children the opportunity to see themselves reflected in their toys, which is crucial for developing a positive self-image. They also teach children about diversity and inclusivity from a young age. This is something that, looking back, was sorely lacking in my own childhood toy collection. Seen from my childhood perspective I’m not sure if anything was lacking because I didn’t know any other reality or any other dolls. The information and pics we had back then were limited. The internet later made it easier to learn about Barbie and her distribution worldwide.

Conclusion: A Call for Continued Progress

“Black Barbie” on Netflix is a must-watch documentary that sheds light on an important chapter in toy history. It celebrates the achievements of Kitty Black Perkins and the significance of Black Barbie in promoting diversity and inclusion. As someone who grew up with a limited view of Barbie dolls, this documentary resonated deeply with me.

The story of Black Barbie is a reminder of the progress that has been made and the work that still needs to be done. It’s a call for continued efforts to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to toys that represent them. Diversity in toys is not just a trend; it’s a necessity for fostering a more inclusive and accepting world.

In Europe, where we often had a limited selection of Barbie dolls, the introduction of more diverse dolls like Black Barbie and Shani would have made a significant difference. They would have enriched our play experiences and broadened our perspectives from a young age. As we move forward, let’s hope that the toy industry continues to embrace diversity and offers children everywhere the chance to see themselves in their toys.

Exploring the Hidden Treasures: More Congost Barbie Dolls

Introduction: More Congost Barbie

In the world of Barbie dolls, collectors are always on the lookout for rare and unique finds. Today, we delve deeper into the captivating realm of Congost Barbie dolls, showcasing a few gems that you may not have seen before. These hidden treasures from Spain, produced by Congost under license due to Mattel’s limited production capacity, offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of Spanish Barbie dolls. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover these exquisite dolls and learn more about their captivating history. There are more Congost Barbie dolls than you might imagine.

1. Unveiling the Spanish Beauties:

In our previous blog post, we introduced you to some of the remarkable Congost Barbie dolls. However, our collection extends beyond that, with even more dolls waiting to be explored. These dolls have a distinct charm that sets them apart from the rest but they tend to loose their hair or have vanishing Make up. That’s at least a sign that you have a Congost Barbie in front of you.

2. The Story Behind Congost Barbie Dolls:

Congost, a Spanish company, began producing Barbie dolls under license from Mattel when the demand for these iconic dolls grew after the death of Franco beyond Mattel’s production capacity. This collaboration allowed Congost to create unique Barbie dolls that catered to the Spanish market, highlighting their cultural diversity and aesthetic preferences. Although a huge part of the population in Spain is black haired or brunette, Barbie dolls were almost always available as blonde version. Link to the first article about Congost Barbie https://barbie.final-memory.org/the-enigmatic-spanish-barbie-dolls-from-congost-unraveling-the-untold-story/(opens in a new tab)

3. Identifying the Hidden Treasures:

As we present these additional Congost Barbie dolls, we invite you to join us in identifying and appreciating their distinctive features. Through your help and expertise, we can shed more light on these dolls, further enriching our understanding and appreciation for Spanish Barbie dolls. At first I thought I had almost all Barbie dolls from Congost until I found more Congost Barbie dolls on a certain platform. By the way here’s one more of them https://barbielistholland.wordpress.com/2014/10/18/1959-2014-fityfive-years-big-changes-of-the-barbie-doll-part-i/1978-congost-superstar-barbie-casino-doll-nrfb-mib-spain/

4. A Glimpse into Spanish Barbie Fashion:

One of the most captivating aspects of Congost Barbie dolls is their fashion. Reflecting the vibrant Spanish culture, these dolls don exquisite ensembles that showcase the country’s rich heritage. We see here a lot of variation from the normal Barbie dolls made for the US- and European market which were unknown to almost all of us but the ones being in Spain in that time for vacation. From Alta Coutura dresses to traditional regional costumes, each outfit tells a unique story and adds to the allure of these dolls.

5. Collecting more Congost Barbie Dolls:

For avid Barbie collectors, uncovering these hidden treasures can be a thrilling experience. Whether you are a seasoned collector or a novice enthusiast, these rare Congost dolls offer an exciting addition to any Barbie collection. Their scarcity and unique designs make them highly sought after among collectors worldwide. Due to a quality not as good as the US version Barbie dolls a lot of them did not survive the millenium. That’s at least what I was told when asking a friend with an apartment in Spain.


In our quest to explore the world of Barbie dolls, we’ve discovered the enchanting realm of Congost Barbie dolls. These hidden treasures from Spain, produced under license by Congost due to Mattel’s limited production capacity, captivate collectors with their distinctive charm and exquisite fashion. With your help, we can further identify and appreciate these Spanish Barbie dolls, adding to our knowledge and enjoyment of this fascinating hobby. Embark on this journey with us and uncover the beauty of Congost Barbie dolls, a testament to the allure of the Barbie universe.

The leg repair of an Equestrienne Barbie

Last week I told you a little bit about the leg repair of a Talking Stacey and how easy it is to repair her fallen of legs. If you forgot to read about you can do it here https://barbie.final-memory.org/talking-barbie-and-her-leg-problem/

Successful leg repair of an Equestrienne Barbie

This weeks I would like to tell you a little bit about the leg repair of an Equestrienne Barbie and how easy her repair really is. I have done a video about this topic many many years ago when starting to do videos but until then no second Equestrienne Barbie crossed my way to do the repair another time. However I realized I got a pair of legs and a suitable body for the demonstration of this repair in the last months, had forgotten it completely.

That’s Barbie without legs

When searching in my workshop for new video ideas I found the semi-assembled Equestrienne Barbie just waiting for me. She was the one I was looking for. The good thing is that for this kind of Barbie doll the amount of time needed for the repair is very low. You can do it within 5 minutes when you are trained to do it. This is no joke. You don’t need more time for the leg repair of an Equestrienne Barbie. It’s very simple. You just need hot water, the legs, a little towel, the upper body and some minutes time.

After putting the legs in your bowl with hot water you just need to wait until they become soft. You dry them with a towel. You know the problem that can appear when not doing it properly. Read more about it here https://barbie.final-memory.org/tutti-todd-and-their-problems/

Here we are in the middle of the repair

You dry the legs and them push them over the joints with some feeling. It’s really hard to explain how much to push and how much is too much. I suggest simply trying the leg repair of an Equestrienne Barbie. More than not being able to get the leg in the leg joint again can’t happen. Then you do it another time and it will find its way.

One leg reattached …

One Barbie doll, so many different make up variations

In the last days I saw a Magic Curl Barbie on Instagram and I wrote a comment that I have three of them and each is a bit different. You never see twins. Every doll is a bit different may you consider make-up or hairline. Maybe it comes from the fact that each doll was still kind of hand painted. I don’t regard the difference as something bad but just as something that we can see. Here are some pics of my dolls.

Untitled design4
First Magic Curl Barbie I got
Untitled design7
Second Magic Curl Barbie I found
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Magic Curl Barbie in box

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Comparison of my Magic Curl Barbie dolls

What do you think? All a bit different huh?

What is Congost Barbie and where do they come from?

Congost produced Barbie dolls under license in Spain from 1975 until 1990. The reason for the production there was the limited capacity of production by Mattel itself. I asked some Spanish collectors why Congost produced them a while ago. They are said to have a poor quality although many sellers want to make big money with the dolls. They often have lost a part of their make up or hair. Some even have lost a hand. If you want to see how they look, watch this video.

Nice Christmas presents

Although I didn’t expect to find any special Barbie doll for X-mas I was surprised by a nice seller who had a good offer. So I was able to enlarge my Barbie made for the Philippine market collection this Christmas. I had to wait long years to find any Barbie doll from there in general and suddenly it seems that some collectors sell a part of their collection from this very special country. I recently saw a report about a hospital and the poverty there. So I’m surprised that there were sold so many special Barbie dolls only for the market there. In a way that’s strange somehow. As far as I know Spainish is the offical language. Their indepence was celebrated in 1898 and for their 100th independence anniversary  were Barbie dolls available. I got one of them for X-mas.

Centennial Barbie
Centennial Barbie
Tradisyong Barbie
Tradisyong Barbie
Tradisyong Barbie
Tradisyong Barbie

Unexpected ways to meet Tropical Barbie

Do you know Tropical Barbie with the vibrant swimsuit from 1985? Yes, that’s right. She is already 33 years old but she’s not alone. She has many sisters worldwide and I don’t want to talk from the US version. She has a sister in Spain, one in Peru and one in Venezuela. Maybe there are even more versions I never heard of. I have four versions. Two versions made for the US, one from Spain and one from Peru. I haven’t found a version from Venezuela but there are pics online.

Anyway today I want to share my versions of the dolls with you. The Spanish one came in May into my collection although she is hard to find. One of the US versions came recently. My first version came several years ago but her hair is very thin. The versions from Malaysia and the Phillipines are the same but the make up is different. The blue is different and the amount of make up used for the dolls.

Different versions of the Tropical Barbie
Different versions of the Tropical Barbie
Different versions of Tropical Barbie

Let’s celebrate 22 years of Barbie collecting!

Sometimes the time goes by really fast. That’s how it feels when I look back. I really started 22 years ago with Collecting Collector Barbie as she was called in the last 10 years. When I started in late 1996 the whole collector thing was known as Barbie Collectibles. I still have some advertising and catalouges from back then. All of them were made very high-quality. I guess the input to produce the whole thing was very expensive and very time consuming back then. Not to forget to mention that it was a very expensive hobby since single dolls were very expensive and at first I had to convince my parents to drive with me to special toy stores where they were sold. You were never sure what to find. It was not like ordering online. It was still unknown to most people. I got my first book online ordered in 2003. Man, that was a thing… and the delivery time for English books to Germany was 4 weeks from amazon.

Busy B.s Barbie doll collection turns 22
My collection is not under age anymore

In the last decades I got to know many Barbie collectors. Some collected only for a short while. Other are long time collectors like me. What we all have in common is a topic to talk about. Although it became easier to order the dolls online you often still need the help of other collectors because there’s always you want and can’t buy immediately.

Totally Hair Barbie around the world

Have you ever asked yourself if the Totally Hair Barbie had the same make up in every production place around the world? If your answer is no, then you are right. There are many different make ups depending on the production place. Here are some of them as examples.

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African American version of the Totally Hair Barbie
Steffi head mold
Ultra Hair Whitney, a friend of Barbie
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Totally Hair Brunette version ( only sold in the USA and Venezuela)
Ultra Hair blonde version
Totally Hair Barbie/ Ultra Hair Barbie

Thanks to Christian Felipe Silva for the permission to use his pics.