Erie talking dolls

Several people have asked me if my repaired Talking Barbie dolls are really repaired due to poor sound quality. I said this is how it’s meant to be. In spite of Talking Barbie’s 50-year anniversary, we should not forget her. I had a talking doll in the early 1990s that sounded very similar. The space available for a record is very limited. Be prepared for miracles, but don’t expect them. It was even more sacrifying when Thomas Alva Edison presented his first talking dolls.

There was a technique discovered in the last few years to make them talk again, if I remember correctly.  There is nothing beautiful about the doll’s voice, even if it looks nice and beautiful. It makes me rather run away than listen and I think I’m not the only one.

And then compare them with Talking Barbie. Is it better? A huge improvement almost 70 years later? Yes, but of course not perfect. Don’t forget it’s from a time when nobody knew about the digital world and Mp3s and so on.

Barbie doll sets you have never seen before

Do you have seen any set that appears in no book? Well I got a set many years ago that I’ve never seen in any book. This can be good since no burglar is going to visit you but this can also be bad because nobody knows that this set exists. Anyway, there is always a chance that you have something special because it isn’t shown anywhere.

A seller that I know offered in the last weeks something I’ve never seen before. I didn’t buy it but this reminded me that I also have something that a majority has never seen before.

Camp Fun Barbie

As far as I know the set was bought in Italy. I’m the second owner.

Who has really no Holiday Barbie dolls?

The Holiday season is not far. Since August you can buy the lastest Holiday Barbie 2018 if you want. I’m not such a fan of her. I have several Holiday Barbie but not the latest ones. I think the history of the Holiday Barbie series is very interesting. Within the last 30 years many things have changed like the jewelry, the Make-Up and the dresses themselves. 

I think they are not so festive anymore. The early Barbie dolls from this series you can see a greater “wow”-effect. I don’t know really how to describe it but I would express them as beautiful. Maybe this is so because I grew up in this era and they were familiar to me. Anyway, I also have later Barbie dolls from after the 2000. 

Untitled design2
Holiday Barbie 2015
Untitled design1
Holiday Barbie 2004